Same month reporting
If your badges are returned by the 20th, we will guarantee the does report will be published by the end of the same month. -
Free delivery and collection
A self-addressed parcel bag will be provided for you to return your used badges. There is a choice of PBT or NZ Post as courier companies, whichever you prefer. They are traceable and GMS takes all responsibilities for transportation. -
Email notification of shipments and unreturned badges
Whenever one badge or more is returned, GMS will notify the account administrator of badges received, as well as an update of unreturned badges. -
New badge delivery the following week
If extra badges are needed in the middle of a wear cycle, they’ll be ordered and arrive the following week after your request.
Instant notice on dose over limit
Any report containing results that are outside of acceptable limits will be reviewed and the customer will be notified immediately so that appropriate actions can be taken.